We keep hearing and reading more great news from many of our Teams, and we’re thrilled to we have such motivated filmmakers in our midst:
We received a report that Team 509 just appeared in the South Jersey Courier Post, featuring their winning short “In Zakk’s Case” and a picture of their truly excellent trophy. Congrats to Team Leaders Kevin Lee and Andrew Matyas and the whole 509 Team!
Team Screen Screams, who earned themselves the Best Marketing Award in our 2006 festival, are now in pre-production on a feature-length version of their short horror film, “Thanksgiving.” Set to shoot in Connecticut in the near future, “Thanksgiving: The Feature” will be directed by Team Leader Scott Ennis. For updates, check out Scott’s MySpace Blog and stay tuned for all the details as the project progresses.
Congratulations to Team Totorres; “Gypsies” was just selected as a featured animation for Philly Stir Fry Live as a part of their monthly “First Saturday” events.
We noticed many of our Teams were creating trailers of their films or uploading their entire films to the Internet, so we tried to localize what we would find on our Official Films page. For those of you who missed the screenings, now you only have one page to visit to see what you missed. And if you like what you see, pick up a DVD online and see everything else!
To the rest of our filmmakers: working on something? Want us to mention it in our next newsletter? We’re happy to help spread the word about your work, but we won’t know unless you email us!
The Official Project Twenty1 2006 DVD is available now! Whether you got to experience these 17 films in theaters in Philadelphia this winter or not, we guarantee this disc has something on it you haven’t yet seen. Beyond containing the 17 films submitted for the 2006 festival, this factory-pressed DVD contains over 2 hours of additional bonus features, including bloopers, stills from the filmmakers’ sets, trailers, behind-the-scenes footage, the official Project Twenty1 2006 documentary by filmmaker Gary Hanna, and more! The full DVD logs at more than 4 hours of material from our inaugural year, so pick one up and host a Project Twenty1 marathon at your house!
on the lot, steven spielberg, mark burnett, fox, competition, reality show,
In the last month, we have been doing a lot of work on the non-creative side of things as we expand our networking, and put together our plan for the upcoming years’ festivals. We will definitely be doing this again, and we appreciate all the questions we’ve received, such as “When’s the next one?” “How do I join?” and so forth. In fact, we have many people dying to sign up for the next competition, and again, they are coming from all over the country. We will announce as soon as we know when the next one will begin.
Project Twenty1 is a brand-new member of PIFVA (Philadelphia Independent Film & Video Association). Joining local organizations like PIFVA can be a great way to network and find others who might be able to help you on your next project, or hire you to help on theirs! We expect to be hosting and promoting several networking events like the Wrap Party we hosted at Marbar on last January 24th, so stay tuned!
In the meantime, keep talking to us, and checking out our website for updates, and help us spread the word! We hope our festival grows with each competition, but the best promotion always comes through word of mouth. So, keep talking to people about us, and we promise we’ll return the favor.
There’s still a lot on the way as we gear up for 2007! ‘Til next time, happy filmmaking!
Quang, Stephanie, & Matt
Project Twenty1 Producers
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