Artists, technicians, financiers… still seeking 21-Day Teams to join?
Team leaders, still need that leading lady? Or that perfect piece of art for your living room background? Or that awesome gaffer to make your DP’s life a little easier?
Screw craigslist. We’ve got what you need right here in our own community!
Note this button. It is your best friend. It is now on the home page of our website, or just click it here to access our Forum:
All you have to do is register or sign in on our site (it’s FREE and takes about 10 seconds), and start finding people! Already, dozens of musicians have made their music available for our 21 Day Filmmakers, and many actors have posted headshots and resumes.
What more do you need to know? Get started building your Teams now, and pick up any last minute cast and crew additions August 1st at our Launch Event in Philly.
Happy hunting!
Your friends as always,
Stephanie Yuhas, Executive Producer
Matt Conant, Artistic Director
Project Twenty1
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