NEWSLETTER – May 29th, 2009 |
Dear Project Twenty1’ers,
We forgot to blog this last week, but it DID get emailed to everyone in May, so if you missed it, get on our mailing list for real, via our website! 🙂
Project Twenty1 is proud to say that our first-ever collaboration with the Philadelphia Film Society, hosted by the World Cafe Live, was a tremendous success. Many of you followed the build-up to this event on Twitter, and a few of you even managed to guess the evening’s “Mystery Screening” beforre it was announced!
#1: QUIRKY COMEDY (Style of film)
#2: Unscramble: Stall Mown vs. TNT IRENE (a word scramble – Small Town vs. The Internet)
#3: H20 isn’t good for everyone. (The plot of the films involes a water company is suing a village)
#4: Ferreira do Zêzere, Madrid, Lisbon & Tomar (All shooting locations in Spain/Portugal)
#5 The director was born with five names (Luís Manuel Monteiro Galvão Teles)
#6: elgan-ennazus-yb-yrots (Story by Suzanne Nagle)
#7: tt0793413 (The IMDB Title Number)
Equally exciting, Project Twenty1 hosted our first ever event in the Big Apple on May 14th. Co-hosted by FirstGlance Films, and sponsored by The Village Pour House and Scene PR, Show Us Your Shorts NYC brought at least 150 artists into the same collaborative space together, screening everything from comedies about Hall & Oates to horror films about haunted beach houses to one minute music videos about beer (super-appropriate!). We had far more music videos and animations than normal, which is wonderful to see!
The winning film, submitted by Pilar Newton, was called “My Sister’s Butt,” and was a music video written and sung by the 4-year old daughter of one of the members of They Might Be Giants. In typically classy fashiion for SUYS, it told the story of… well, we’re not going to put it into print. Let’s just say it was hilariously disgusting. And then hilariously impossible to understand. Congratulations, Pilar! You impressed an entire bar full of artists, and grossed them out all at the same time!
Special thanks to our partners at FirstGlance for their help organizing the event. Also to Dawn Harvey, our wonderful host, to The Village Pour House for your expert help on tech, and to ScenePR for your help promoting the event to the NYC crowd. Check out the pics here.
Contact us! We have a rapidly growing fan base, and as we branch out with new events, new venues, new Festival Partners, and new sponsors for 2009, we are open to collaboration with all types of creative and business organizations that can help us support our filmmakers and enhance our artistic community.
Also, please remember, Project Twenty1 is an all-volunteer organization. Please consider making a donation to make sure we continue to hosting screenings, networking events, seminars, and festivals in the near future! We are still raising $5,000 to cover the cost of a camcorder that was stolen from one of the volunteers at one of our events. Please consider donating to the camera relief fund today.
Follow Project Twenty1 more easily than ever in 2009:
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Project Twenty1 on Facebook‘s new NetworkedBlogs app. News Twenty1 is currently the largest blog community in the Philadelphia network. Help us keep it that way: spread the word!
Befriend the Project Twenty1 Girls (Susie Filmmaker on Facebook). Susie is more than happy to answer all your questions about Project Twenty1 in 2009.
Project Twenty1 on YouTube, featuring our Channel Twenty1, with all 47 21-Day Films in our current archives.
Your friends, as always,
Stephanie Yuhas, Executive Producer
Matt Conant, Director
Project Twenty1
Not Just A Film Festival

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